What happened at Little Kings and Queens daycare in El Paso? Internet calls for swift action to be t

Publish date: 2024-05-20

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services is looking into the Little Kings and Queens daycare facility after an employee allegedly abused a two-year-old child. The facility has since taken to the internet to address the allegations. Netizens have also flooded their Yelp page with negative reviews as concerned internet users demand action to be taken.

Trigger Warning: The following article contains distressing content about child abuse. Reader’s discretion is advised.

A video of a Little Kings and Queens employee being accused of r*pe has gone viral on TikTok and Facebook. The text on the video read:

“So this man r*ped my friends little 2yr old daughter in a El Paso daycare. The reason he isn’t behind bars is because they need to do a dna test but it’s clear that it was Done at that time that the baby was under their care. And not only that but he claims it’s only a “RASH” But the hospital verified she was r*ped”

A woman can be heard yelling at the man who allegedly abused the child. She said:

“She was a f**king 2-year-old and she got r*ped here! Okay? On your f**king watch a 2 year old got r*ped here.”

The TikTok video also claimed that the alleged rapist are still employed at the daycare.

An internet user also alleged that the employee in question is Joel Estrada. Facebook user Denise Mota claimed that he was the owner of the daycare. However, this has not been confirmed. Facebook user Tuu Mamaa also revealed that video footage of Estrada buying a c*ndom and going to the daycare was submitted to the police.

Allegations against the Little Kings and Queens childcare facility (Image via Facebook)

People express outrage over child abuse incident at the Little Kings and Queens daycare

Jessica C who heard about the incident said in an interview with KFox14- “It’s very disturbing. I hope the mother gets the answers.”

Sam Tovar, a parent who used to bring his daughters to the childcare facility said that they would be going someplace else from now on. He said:

“When I heard the news today and where it was, and the daycare, I just like, I started going back on my memory of anything I ever thought I was overreacting or anything. It just drives me crazy. I don’t even know what to say. I can’t even imagine how the parents of the child feel.”

A group of people were also seen protesting outside the childcare facility on Wednesday, 13 September.

Yelp users have flooded the daycare’s page with negative reviews. A few read:

Netizens flood Little Kings and Queens' Yelp page with negative reviews (Image via Yelp)
Netizens flood Little Kings and Queens' Yelp page with negative reviews (Image via Yelp)
Netizens flood Little Kings and Queens’ Yelp page with negative reviews (Image via Yelp)

Meanwhile, the Little Kings and Queens childcare facility took to their official Facebook page to announce that they were “working with the authorities.” They also added:

“We are taking all concerns seriously and we will continue to fully cooperate with authorities throughout the investigation.”
The childcare facility addressed the allegations online (Image via Facebook)

A GoFundMe page for the victim has also been set up by her mother, Alexandra Delacruz. The 'Justice of Ariana' fundraising campaign had amassed $6,499 at the time of writing this article. They aim to raise $20,000 to cover therapy and lawyer expenses.

A GoFundMe page has been created for the victim (Image via GoFundMe)

The Texas Human Health and Service Department said that the childcare facility continues to hold an active license.

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