Kai Cenat explains why he cant date, claims that it is "dedication"

Publish date: 2024-04-17

Kai Cenat, arguably Twitch's biggest rising talent of 2022, recently shared his views on relationships and the challenges one faces while being a full-time streamer.

Kai was invited to a podcast uploaded to the Full Send Podcast YouTube channel in December. During their interaction, Bradley Martin, co-host of the podcast, asked Kai about his current dating situation. The 21-year-old confessed that he is not seeing anyone or is in any relationship due to the challenges of maintaining a 'dedicated' and rigorous streaming schedule.

Kai implied that maintaining a work-life balance can be difficult when a streamer is in a relationship. He said that he usually streams for multiple hours, which would make it difficult for him to find time for his partner.

Kai Cenat gives reasons why he can't date anyone presently

Despite being around many women, a regular occurrence in his streams, Kai Cenat explained that he is not in the best position to enter into a fully committed relationship with anyone.

When asked about his dating scenario, the Twitch streamer responded by stating that being in a relationship would take a lot of "dedication":

"I haven't been in a relationship for like three years...that sh*t is dedication."

(Timestamp: 01:31:59)

He continued by stating that girls wouldn't like him as their partner since he spends almost half his day making content or live streaming. He stated:

"Bro, when you're in a relationship, it's not about 'you' no more. It's about 'you' and the other person. You think a girl will want to be with me if I'm streaming f**king ten, eleven hours a day?"

He furthered his statement by implying that couples have to make time for each other to sustain their relationship. He concluded:

"It is cool to have a girl that you are close with on your side. Yeah, that's cool. That commitment, that title, yeah, it's about 'y'all'."

"Kai is such a genuine, positive guy man" - Fans react to Kai Cenat's appearance on the podcast

Kai has quickly become among the most sought-after and well-supported streamers. Seeing him as one of the guests on the Full Send Podcast, viewers showed their love. Here are some of the top comments:

Fans share their love for Kai Cenat (Image via Full Send Podcast YouTube)

The Full Send Podcast is presently among the most viewed podcasts on YouTube. Aside from Kai Cenat's inclusion, other notable names such as Elon Musk, MrBeast, and Jake Paul have appeared on the couch.

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