Hailey Baldwin Confesses She Would Feel Inferior To Her Supermodel Friends Kendall Jenner And Gigi H

Publish date: 2024-05-30

Hailey Baldwin is a gorgeous woman and a dedicated model but even she has her insecurities. During a new interview for Vogue Australia, Justin Bieber’s wife admitted that she used to feel inferior when comparing herself to her BFF supermodels Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner.

This would mainly happen at the beginning of her career, when she was pursuing modeling and trying to make a name for herself.

Nowadays, she is an inspiration to many girls around the world, but, Hailey confessed that her rise to the top hasn’t been easy at all.

Apparently, due to some differences she has from models like Kendall and Gigi, she developed insecurities.

‘My burn in the modeling industry has been slow and I’ve had to learn to be okay with that. I’m shorter than most of the other girls. Even though I am five-foot-eight, I am not a runway girl and I totally used to feel inferior to some of my friends. Look at Kendall and Bells [Bella Hadid] and Gigi…they are all tall and doing every runway.’

People would even tell her that she would never be a real model since she could not do a lot of runways.

‘For a while, there was a part of me that did not know if I could have the career I wanted. I had many people, like casting directors, say: ‘We do not think she is a real model,’’ she shared with the publication.

Now, all of that is behind her since Hailey has found her ‘own lane’ posing for photos and getting other types of projects.


After all, ‘I don’t look short in photos. I am proud of myself for building a more commercial career that worked for me and being confident about it. I have hosted a show, I did major campaigns, and a bunch of other things that I have really enjoyed. Sometimes I feel like I am still finding my lane, but now I know I am going in the right direction.’
