From the Desk of Clive Owen: With a heart as big as my

Publish date: 2024-05-20


Have you bitches missed me? I have missed you, if you couldn’t tell by my haggard-yet-handsome face. I know, I’m not aging spectacularly and even though I was wearing a beautiful tuxedo last night, I still looked rather tired and drawn. On the bright side, I’m not going in for facelifts. I would never. I draw out the real fans by who still love me even when I’m slightly paunchy. Everything still works properly, you know. And I could still do some absolutely filthy things to you. Simmer on that.

So these are some photos of me and Olivier Martinez, Jet Li, Jerry Hall and Kathleen Turner in Germany – where we were being honored at UNESCO’s 20th anniversary gala. I was honored for my work with the Aegis Trust, and for the work I’ve done on genocide awareness, especially in Rwanda. If you’d like to read my speech, in which I describe taking my then 12-year-old daughter to Rwanda to meet survivors and family members of the 1994 genocide, go here. It’s devastating. So perhaps you’ll forgive me if I’m not looking particularly dashing and dongy in these photos – perhaps you’ll instead be turned on by how big my HEART is. Because I give a s–t. Deeply.

And even though I’m a scruffy, paunchy bastard, you know you would still want a go with me. And I’m wearing the hell out of this tux. Admit it.

Yours always,

PS… There have been some mutterings about my marriage, and how I haven’t been wearing a wedding ring lately. That’s got you perked up, hasn’t it?

Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.
