Evan Ross: Ashlee wanted privacy while giving birth but our parents watched

Publish date: 2024-05-14


I can’t believe that Evan and Ashlee Simpson Ross’ little girl Jagger is almost three years old. I never notice my own kids aging so I guess I chart the years through celebrity kids instead. I could have sworn we just announced Jagger’s arrival. Maybe it’s because we don’t hear too much about the Simpson Ross kids. Evan and Ashlee have just launched a unisex clothing collection for Zadig & Voltaire and they’ve named it Jagger Snow after their daughter so they’re talking about her. Evan said the most memorable thing on the day Jagger was born was not so much her arrival, but Evan and Ashelee’s parents, who all arrived before the guest of honor.

For Evan and Ashlee Simpson Ross, the day their daughter was born is one they won’t be forgetting anytime soon — for more reasons than one.

“Probably our parents coming in before it was time to come,” Ross, 29, says of the most memorable moment from the day. “I was like, ‘What are y’all doing?!’ ”

“While [Ashlee] was having the baby, we said we were going to do it just us, but then we saw both our parents behind the curtain watching,” he adds. “Also, those nurses can’t stop my mom! Like, Diana Ross just walks in.”

[From People]

I didn’t want anyone in my delivery room and, at the time, that included my husband. But the nurse wouldn’t let him leave. The only time I heard her yell was after I kissed him goodbye. Ultimately, I had to have an unscheduled C-section and I was glad he was there for that so it all worked out. But neither set of grandparents were within a 100-mile radius of the hospital. However, given the option, I would have been thrilled to have Diana Ross there, especially if she walked in at the height of the chaos. I want to believe she tossed her oversized coat at some attending and told the PA to fetch her a glass of champagne only to check her watch and ask Ashlee if she planned on being long because she hoped to make her nail appointment.

As for the clothing line, it’s kind of cute. I have only seen a few photos so far here and here. The tuxedo blazer Evan is wearing is great. I’m not sure why they named the collection after Jagger but it might be because she has a sense of style, something Evan said Ashlee’s eight-year-old son with Pete Wentz, Bronx, is just coming into. One non-sartorial subject they discussed that rang true was that their kids’ homework. According to Evan, they are as clueless as I am when it comes to the kids schoolwork, “We’re both looking at it and I’m like, ‘You should know this,’ and she’s like, ‘No, you should know this.’” If I had a dime for every time my son’s math stumped me, I’d have… uhm, so that’s 10 times… no, carry the… wait, I should add the…

And not to be too shallow but OMG – their children are gorgeous!



Photo credit: Instagram and WENN Photos
