Eric Schmidt & Cho-San Nguyen Alleged Affair, Joint Family Tree & History

Publish date: 2024-06-04

Position held

Replaced Larry Page as CEO of Google in 2001 after Larry & Sergey announced they were looking for someone to provide "adult supervision". Following Page's reinstatement as CEO, he became the company's Executive Chairman on April 4, 2011.Executive Chairman of Alphabet Inc. since October 2, 2015. He is the Founding Partner at Innovation Endeavors. He is the Founder of TomorrowVentures, LLC. He served as the Chief Technology Officer at Oracle America, Inc.
Served as a director on the board of Apple between 2006 and 2009. He stepped down due to conflicts of interest in relation in Apple iOS phones and Google's Android solutions.
For most of his first 10 years at Google, he took a salary of $1 a year plus stock options, now worth billions.
Received a $100 million package as outgoing CEO of Google.
Member of President Obama's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Met with Pope Francis at the Vatican in January 2016.
In 2016 he was appointed head of a new Defense Innovation Advisory Board by the Pentagon.
