Easy Kalpalata lotus locations for Nahida in Genshin Impact

Publish date: 2024-05-18

Genshin Impact players planning to summon for the upcoming 5-star Dendro Archon Nahida will need lots of Kalpalata Lotuses to ascend her. These flowers can be found growing on the sides of cliffs in Sumeru, and collecting enough of them to max out Nahida can be tricky.

Luckily, with the help of some quick farming routes, fans can easily collect plenty of Kalpalata Lotuses throughout Sumeru. Fans will want to start picking these flowers to help prepare for Nahida, especially if they want to get her to the max level.

Players can find some easy Kalpalata Lotus locations in Genshin Impact here.

Genshin Impact: Kalpalata Lotus farming locations

Kalpalata Lotuses are blue flowers that players can find growing on the side of cliffs in Sumeru's rainforest region. Spotting these lotuses isn't hard, as their bright coloration makes them easily distinguishable from the rocky hills they grow on. They also grow in groups, making it much faster to quickly pick up tons of them.

Players will need these flowers to ascend characters like Nahida; the upcoming Dendro Archon who is set to release in Genshin Impact 3.2. Fans can find out where to gather these precious flowers here:

Some of the best locations to pick these flowers are high up in Sumeru's rainforest, like Devantaka Mountain and near the Yasna Monument. Players can find the location of where the flowers are found in these guides, making them easy to locate.

These guides add up to 62 Kalpalata Lotuses, leaving just a few scattered around the world. Fans who want to gather these flowers the fastest should definitely take advantage of these routes.

For those who want to be more thorough with collecting these lotuses, they can find all 84 of them listed in the guide below. Some of the hardest-to-find flowers are high up in the jungle, making them difficult to pick, but for those who plan on maxing out their Nahida, every additional flower helps.

Interactive map:

Finally, players who just want the locations of every lotus in the game so that they can craft their own farming routes or see if they have missed any can take advantage of the interactive map shown above.

This map will mark many of the Kalpalata Lotuses available in the game throughout Sumeru, allowing fans to find them easily. However, this map does not account for the lotuses purchased from NPCs, so gamers will want to keep those in mind as they farm these flowers.

With Nahida releasing in the game's 3.2 update, players have a while to farm these lotuses before she arrives. They respawn every 48 hours, meaning that if fans gather all 84, they'll only need to wait a few days before players can gather the remaining flowers to get to the 168 Kalpalata Lotuses required to get Nahida to level 90.

Genshin Impact 3.2's newest character will require Kalpalata Lotuses found throughout Sumeru to reach the max level.

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