Brandon Davis doesnt have a leg to stand on

Publish date: 2024-05-06

5 Year Anniversary Of BUTTER
Brandon Davis got into a huge fight with his father at his brother Alexander’s wedding at the Mantage Resort in Laguna Beach. According to Page Six Davis got into an enormous, and embarrassing, fight with his father Nebil “Bilo” Zarif. We’re not talking a few words muttered under his breath and storming out, slamming doors. According to witnesses, Davis was “’knocking over chairs and flower arrangements.’” Sounds like he was drunk. Again.

One witness said, ‘Brandon got so upset, he sent tables crashing . . . he had to be carried out of the reception.'”

[From Page Six]

One can only wonder what he was so upset about. Probably that the attention was on anyone but himself. That guy will do and say anything to make sure everyone’s looking at him. “Greasy Bear” as he’s known to all of the internet, has apparently lost a few pounds, though it’s not noticeable to the casual observer. Some have speculated that’s why he can’t hold his liquor as of late. Though as I remember it, the guy was just as famous for drunken rants when he was still a tubby.

It seems like no one wants Davis around anymore. In April, Page Six reported an incident between him and Paris Hilton’s former fiancée, Stavros Niarchos.

Brandon “Greasy Bear” Davis is so unpopular, even his friends don’t want to be associated with him. The oil-heir grandson of the late Marvin Davis showed up to the Details magazine party March 29th at producer Mary Parent’s house in Hollywood and became enraged when he was denied access. According to our spy, ‘he started demanding that staffers get Stavros [Niarchos].’ The Greek shipping heir had evidently told Davis about the party and was already inside. But when staffers found Niarchos, he begged them to tell Davis that he wasn’t there, adding, ‘I didn’t invite him here, and I don’t really want to be around him.’ Niarchos then joined the other revelers. Davis eventually made such a fuss that he was allowed in – and Niarchos beelined to a Details editor to apologize, adding, ‘You know I would never bring him here.’”

[From Page Six]

This was all just a few weeks after he embarrassed himself at Paris Hilton’s birthday party, where he dry-humped Courtney Love in front of her daughter and drunkenly mocked Paula Abdul in front of a hundred people.

“’He kept on saying her last name over and over again, and then would insert his made-up version of an Arabic language. He was being very lewd and graphic and making sexual overtures to her in between being completely insulting.’”

[From the Daily News]

Oh to be rich and disgusting. I can’t think of anyone more derided by all than Brandon Davis. Even his pleather-wearing “little” brother Jason, currently in an e-fight with Perez Hilton, doesn’t compare (though he comes close). Brandon is the male celebutard, known for doing nothing but drinking, eating, and going to parties… where he drinks and eats. Considering the way he’s constantly mocking everyone within 100 feet of him, he should probably lay off the booze and cocktail wieners. Glass houses and such.
