10 Things You didnt Know about LeeAnn Locken

Publish date: 2024-04-11

leeann locken

LeeAnn Locken might not be a household name, but she’s in a lot of households. She’s one of the real housewives from the new Dallas franchise, and we all got to know a little bit about the former Carnival kid this year. We learned that she’s outspoken, that she’s not a wealthy socialite and that it appears she buys her designer clothes secondhand. We also learned that she’s got a dark side that she cannot contain all the time, and she certainly does not like it when anyone tells her that she’s wrong, that her opinion is not their opinion or that she’s not a Dallas socialite. You won’t find much information about her on the internet, but I watched the entire Dallas season – and I think it’s safe to say her actions say much more about her than any Wikipedia page might.

She’s Hot

While she is a very lovely lady, we mean it in a way that she’s got a temper. She is not someone to cross if you don’t want to have her in your face with the craziest eyes you’ve ever seen. We saw her scream at people, throw things and threaten people. She says she’s not a mean person, but she’s got a serious temper that says otherwise.

She Doesn’t Appear to Work

We don’t know what LeeAnn Locken does for a living, but she doesn’t seem to work. She seems to make money for charity and work in that world, but she doesn’t have much of a job outside of that. We don’t know how she makes her living, or if she was able to give up a day job when she began making money on reality television. We don’t know, but we would love to know how she funds her lifestyle as a stay-at-home charitable philanthropist.

She’s Not Married

Nor does it appear that she will ever be married. LeeAnn Locken is dating a police officer who has made it painfully – and very uncomfortably – clear that he has no intention of marrying her now or ever. He has said it time and time again that he’s not in the market for marriage, and she keeps dropping not-so-subtle hints that she’d like to change his opinion on that one. We wish her the best of luck, because that man comes across to the entire country as a man who is not going to marry her – ever.

She Has More Enemies than Friends

Of course, there is nothing wrong with that. Having enemies is not something any of us want, but it does say something about us. It tells me that you stand up for what you believe, you don’t worry about pleasing others and that you’re probably not overly interested in being anyone but yourself. You have to respect someone who knows she has enemies and still does what she does.

She Was A Reality Star Before Dallas

Before she was a real housewife even though she’s not a wife at all – nor has she ever been one – she was reality television star in 2009. She competed on a show that we’ve never heard of called “She’s Got the Look,” which was a show about models looking to make it big. She didn’t, but she also didn’t hurt her career by appearing on the show, either.

She Was in Miss Congeniality

Remember when Sandra Bullock was a fast talking cop who had to go undercover in a movie about beauty pageants, LeeAnn Locken was actually one of the women who stood alongside Sandra Bullock in the film. She was an extra and she was blonde, and she was dressed as Lady Liberty on stage in a scene with the fabulous Bullock.

She Was Almost the Tool Time Girl

According to LeeAnn Locken, she was actually the actress chosen to work beside Tim Allen in “Home Improvement,” as the Tool Time girl, but she turned down the job because it meant moving to LA fulltime and she was not looking to become a California girl. It seems that it was a bit of a mistake, since the role did go to Pamela Anderson, and she became one of the most famous faces in Hollywood.

She Was Sexually Abused for Five Years

During her childhood, LeeAnn Locken had a very tough go of it. Her best friend’s father sexually abused her for more than five years growing up. We have no idea if she reported him, how it happened or what went on during that time in her life, and we simply are not sure what the process was that really made things turn around for her. However, she doesn’t seem to let that define her, and that’s amazing.

She Tried Suicide

LeeAnn Locken opened up at one time about taking her own life. She was obviously not successful at it, and we don’t know what she did or why she did it. All we know is that she was in a very dark place in her life and that she was ready to end her life as a way of dealing with the problems she faced. She was not someone who was always strong, but she’s learned that she’s had to be strong to get through the things that life throws at her. She might be brash, loud and she might have a temper and an inability to see things from anyone else’s point of view, but she’s a strong woman who knows how to take care of herself. She likes to say she turned her “Mess into a message,” and that’s how she’s overcome her own issues.

She Loves Inspiration

If you love to have a moment of clarity every morning, perhaps you should take a few moments to view her Facebook posts. LeeAnn Locken is sure to post at least one inspirational message each and every morning on her social medial platform to help remind her that life is good, and to help remind her fans that there is always hope.

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